The XIV Pacific Entomology Conference, Challenges and Changes in Entomology” was held at the Outrigger Waikīkī on the Beach on February 22 and 23, 2012 with 117 attendees from Hawaiʻi, Guam, and the continental US. Symposia included:
- Plenary Session, Challenges and Changes in Entomology
- Hawaiian and Pacific Insect Conservation and Evolution
- Tephritid Fruit Flies: Systematics and Control
- Biological Control in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
- Islands within Islands: Conservation of Insects in Hawaiʻi’s Alpine and Subalpine Ecosystems
- and Current and Emerging Insect Pests in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
The Hawaiian Entomological Society also recognized the following individuals:
- Dr. Frank Howarth for his retirement from the Bishop Museum
- Dr. Luc LeBlanc, Outstanding Service to the Society for digitizing the entire Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society
- Dr. Roger Vargas, Entomologist of the Year, for his work on Tephritid Fruit Flies
- Dr. Ron Mau, Lifetime Excellence Award in Extension Entomology